Evangeline week thirty seven | Santa Monica baby photographer

I am going to blame jet lag on the fact that I forgot to blog week thirty seven! Whoops! Week thirty seven we were still in Australia. On Monday we walked around the beautiful city that is Melbourne. Melbourne is pretty amazing. The botanical gardens are free. If I lived there, I would walk my dogs and Evie there every single day. Tuesday was an incredible day. Our friends gifted us with animal moments at the animal sanctuary in Healesville. We got to feed and pet kangaroos, play with and pet a wombat, (she was AMAZING) feed and pet an […]

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Evangeline week thirty six | Santa Monica baby photographer

Week thirty six started off with our first Mother’s Day together. Tuesday we headed to Australia for our friends’ wedding. Evangeline was perfect for the 16 hour flight! She pretty much slept the entire way since it was an overnight flight. She had a blast staying at the Westin in Melbourne and then camping under the Koala’s at Bimbi Park for the wedding. I’ll have more photos from Australia next week!

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Evangeline week nineteen | Santa Monica baby photographer

This week I am making up for my lack of big camera photos last week. Evangeline is becoming a little human. She has always of course been a human, but now she’s doing all these amazing things. She grabs for my face and pulls me to her. She tries to eat me and it’s hilarious. The best thing ever is her time with the mirror. I hold her to me in front of the mirror and she smiles at herself. Then she giggles and tries to hide in my hair. She plays a game with herself in front of the […]

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Evangeline week eleven | Santa Monica baby photographer

Week eleven was a sad week. We said goodbye to our dear old friend Butch. Butch was our match maker, my husband’s soulmate, and the most loyal, human like dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am so lucky to have been his mama. We all miss him dearly and I can’t wait to show Evie these photos one day and tell her he is the reason her mama & papa are together. Now she has two doggy angels watching over her.

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Evangeline week six | Santa Monica baby photographer

Week six was the week of the crib. She started going longer and longer stretches to 7.5 hours straight! I’m now the one waking her up to nurse! I’ll wake her up when my body tells me it’s time, nurse her, then she goes back to sleep for hours! We have been having the best nights sleep. I know this most likely won’t last forever but it’s sure nice now! Evie’s papa read her first Russian book to her yesterday and as you can see by the photos she absolutely loved it. She was so interested and cooing. I love […]

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