E & D wanted to do photos for their ten year wedding anniversary. I was SO happy to walk up to them and see their amazing outfits. A wedding dress! Yes! Such a lovely session.
Molly & Leonard are wed | Los Angeles couples photographer
My bestie got married in Berkely last weekend and it was beautiful. I wasn’t the official photographer. She wanted me to actually enjoy the wedding, but I did get to sneak a few!
Miranda | Orange County pet photographer
Miranda is the sweetest dog! Love her owners too!
S & D | Long Beach engagement photographer
When S & D got out of the car I almost cried. Their gorgeous outfits were too much to handle. Dressed in Cambodian traditional wedding attire, they looked AMAZING. I love these photos so much. The love, the light, the outifts.
Miranda | Orange County couple & pet photographer
Sweet Miranda lived the life of having puppy after puppy. She also had her voice removed so she can’t bark :/ So glad her new parents found her on facebook and got her out of the evil breeder’s hands. She is so bonded to them already and it had only […]
Bliss | Los Angeles couple & pet photographer
I photographed the raddest couple in their home and on the streets of downtown Los Angeles. I loveeee in home lifestyle sessions so much, and the arts district is pretty awesome for photos as well. Then you add in two adorable (and quite feisty!) dogs, and you have the best […]
Asher | Orange County couples and pet photographer
This Holiday mini session was pretty much all about Asher, and I love that! They rescued him about a year ago and wanted to celebrate that. I absolutely love photographing animals, so please please bring them to our sessions!