November was so insanely busy for me doing client shoots, that I barely picked up my camera for Evangeline. Now I feel guilty. I have tons of iphone photos which are posted daily on my instagram, but I guess I need to get out my big camera more! She has […]
Kainoa | Seal Beach family photographer
I went to Seal Beach to photograph this darling family. Kainoa turns one in November so these were family photos plus birthday and cake smash photos! He has a cowboys and Indians theme for his birthday so he had two of the cutest outfit changes ever. His parents even made […]
M family | Los Angeles family photographer
I absolutely loved hanging out with this family and photographing their one year old baby Elizabeth. She is such a little doll and still looks like such a baby!! Unlike someone I know. (cry) Just look at her face when she is walking to her daddy! So precious. Loved the […]
September | Long Beach baby photographer
Since I am no longer doing Evangeline’s 52 week project, (cry) I can at least do monthly blog posts of her.
Evangeline week fifty two | Long Beach baby photographer
This is such a bittersweet post! I can’t believe I have a walking one year old now! Yes, Evangeline took her first steps on her birthday! It was amazing enough she walked on her actual birthday, but she did it right after my husband came home from work and we […]
Evangeline 52 weeks | Long Beach baby photographer
Our baby girl Evangeline is one year old today! I am so glad I did this project with her. It’s amazing to see how much she changed every week. The one photo where she isn’t on the map blanket is from when we were in Australia. She also never wore […]
Evangeline week fifity one | Long Beach baby photographer
I never want to forget the way she whined every single morning before swim class. Pulling at my dress and having “roll abouts.” I never want to forget the way she passed out on her own before swim class and we ended up missing class that day. Sleep is more […]
Evangeline week forty eight | Long Beach baby photographer
Evangeline has been walking all over with her walker. She isn’t walking unassisted yet, but we think she is close! Week forty eight has been the week of tantrums. When this girl hears “no!” Watch out! The good news is she has been sleeping in her own room every night. […]
Evangeline week forty seven | Long Beach baby photographer
We thought before we ever got pregnant that we would be moved out of our Santa Monica beach house. Forty seven weeks old and Evangeline now has her own room! It was a bittersweet move. We were dating, engaged, married, and brought our first baby home to that house. Two […]
Evangeline week forty six | Santa Monica baby photographer
These weekly unicorn photos are getting so hard! I have to be SO fast and I pretty much take two photos. It was my birthday last week and we did our yearly birthday tradition of going to Catalina! Catalina is a magical place for us, that is where my husband […]