Miranda | Orange County couple & pet photographer

Sweet Miranda lived the life of having puppy after puppy. She also had her voice removed so she can’t bark :/ So glad her new parents found her on facebook and got her out of the evil breeder’s hands. She is so bonded to them already and it had only been a couple months since they had gotten her at the time of our shoot. I bet their Holiday card was the cutest!

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November with Evangeline | Long Beach family photographer

November was an exciting month because we found out our babe’s gender! Evangeline knew the entire time, but I wasn’t so sure. I saved the news for last! We put up our tree the day before Thanksgiving and she had SO much fun decorating it. It’s so fun now that she understands Christmas and Santa Claus. She gets Ded Moroz too! When we are driving and she sees decorations and yells “CHRISTMAS!!”

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Disney’s Xochitl | Los Angeles portrait photographer

The reason I titled this blog post Disney’s Xochitl, is because girl is truly a Disney princess. She’s got the name, the beauty, the hair, and allll the animals! Her sidekicks are alpacas! Xochitl is no Sleeping Beauty though. She would be a Disney bad ass for sure. Just wrangling her alpacas for photos was bad ass enough for me. Xochitl isn’t the only bad ass in these photos. My husband and I have a deep love for one of her dogs. Ok, we have a deep love for pretty much all dogs, but this dog is special. Like really […]

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