I know it must come as such a shock to hear you are having twins! I imagine there would so many emotions flowing through you at once. How special though to receive not one baby, but two! It must be so incredibly hard when they are teeny. It’s so incredibly […]
February | Long Beach baby photographer
So many photos for February! Evangeline’s dedushka was with us most of February and she loves having him here. He left a few days ago and she keeps asking for Ded. She helped her papa build our beautiful deck, we went to the aquarium each week, played in the pool, […]
Lucy | Los Angeles newborn photographer
I love newborn sessions when a sibling is involved. They try to be gentle but get so excited from the newness and cute of their baby. Lucy’s big sister Amelia was unfortunatley getting the dreaded two year molars the day of our shoot. Poor girl couldn’t keep her hands out […]
Hudson | Long Beach family photographer
I got to photograph Hudson for his one year photos. My gosh could he be any cuter? He is so loved by his sweet mamas. I loved the way he kept hugging them and holding onto them.
December | Long Beach baby photographer
in December the leaves finally turned beautiful colors and fell from the trees. Los Angeles is a little behind haha. We went to Northern California to visit my family and have Christmas.
S family | Long Beach family photographer
Between mama’s beautiful freckles and Grayson’s cuteness, this family is just too much. The S family is the nicest family ever and Mama bird Alex is also a family photographer. They were in Long Beach from Colorado and wanted photos on the beach. The last couple photos are Grayson with […]
K family | Long Beach family photographer
I have the honor of doing their Holiday photos every year. I love these girls and so does Evangeline.
October | Long Beach baby photographer
October = Halloween! Halloween gets so much funner when you have a kid. She loved wearing her costume and cruising the sidewalk with her bucket.
V family | Long Beach family photographer
Holiday mini sessions with the V family were fun and cute with their puppy Chewie!
P family | Long Beach family photographer
You may recognize the P family from their newborn session I did a couple months ago. Paige is now three months old and cuter than ever. We did their Holiday mini session on the beach in Long Beach.