April | Long Beach baby photographer

April started off with finding more wildflowers and trying to take photos of the girls. If you missed their Easter shoot, you should check it out! We played a lot outside. Mostly naked. Haha. I have decided all her meals should be eaten naked outside. Way easier clean up! Evangeline also got her first baby doll. I expect May’s blog post will have tons of photos with her and “babies,” but all I have for April is her sound asleep with him. Or is babies a her? I can’t tell!

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Violet & Evangeline | Long Beach baby photographer

The darling bunny bags were the inspiration for this shoot. Target $3 bin! Photographing these two besties was hard and hilarious. 1.5 year olds are pretty challenging and funny at the same time. During this shoot I learned Evie knew how to smile on command, which I had no idea she knew yet what smile means. Since then her smiling on command has turned into the most hilarious squint face that I am sure you will see in my next monthly blog post of her. How good is Violet’s rbf? She cracks me up with her faces. I think these […]

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March | Long Beach baby photographer

In March we wore matching shirts, became obsessed with her mermaid stool, practiced raising her eyebrows, showed off her maternal side by swaddling her mermaid, rocked pigtails, went to the beach with her bestie, and met her baby cousin Isla. We also went and checked out the super bloom! My friend Kate was nice enough to take the flower photos of us. My husband took the first few and all were edited by me.

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February | Long Beach baby photographer

So many photos for February! Evangeline’s dedushka was with us most of February and she loves having him here. He left a few days ago and she keeps asking for Ded. She helped her papa build our beautiful deck, we went to the aquarium each week, played in the pool, picked lemons and ate them, and our newest weekend tradition is the petting zoo right by our house! She loves to feed all the animals and sasses those goats around like she is their boss hahaha.

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November | Long Beach baby photographer

November was so insanely busy for me doing client shoots, that I barely picked up my camera for Evangeline. Now I feel guilty. I have tons of iphone photos which are posted daily on my instagram, but I guess I need to get out my big camera more! She has been using her potty since 13 months! She goes whenever we put her on it. It’s pretty amazing.

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