Evangeline’s 1st birthday | Los Angeles birthday party photographer

Evangeline absolutely loved her 1st birthday party. She loved it so much she never took a nap that day! She ended up passing out for the night around 6pm though. Party animal! She had a joint birthday party with her cousin Oliver who is two weeks younger than her. As you will see in the photos, she loved her cousin. The photos of her kissing him are pretty hysterical. Thank you to everyone who came and made her party so special!

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Evangeline week fifty two | Long Beach baby photographer

This is such a bittersweet post! I can’t believe I have a walking one year old now! Yes, Evangeline took her first steps on her birthday! It was amazing enough she walked on her actual birthday, but she did it right after my husband came home from work and we were both in the same room. It was like she was waiting to show us! For her birthday we surprised her with a fort for her room! The next day we headed to Northern California to hang out with family and have her 1st birthday party. Her party photos I […]

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Evangeline week forty five | Santa Monica baby photographer

Evangeline’s new favorite game is to climb the stairs. Over and over and over. She also likes to pull up the pet carpet pads as you will see below. She’s loving her Russian shows on the ipad and will sit and watch them while mama gets things done! She loves the beach. The sand, the water, crawling all over the beach and looking at people, loves it all. She is a little parrot and will say papa or mama on command. She also says “hi!” She knows songs by heart, and will blow raspberries right on cue when the song […]

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Evangeline week twenty seven | Santa Monica baby photographer

Evangeline is starting to kind of crawl! She can go backwards and even though she isn’t full on crawling, she can get pretty far across a room when you aren’t looking! She is refusing to eat anything but yogurt, (we created a monster) she loves papa’s banjo and listening to death metal with papa. She is still doing her squint smile which I am sure you didn’t miss below. Oh and she is obsessed with herself in the mirror. My favorite photos are the ones where she is trying to eat herself.

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Evangeline week twenty one | Santa Monica baby photographer

I absolutely love this Russian outfit my cousin gave to me at our baby shower. It’s so cute and even has a little pocket for a plush matryoshka doll! Evangeline had her big modeling job for Target on Friday. She did great! She was a little bewildered being handed off to male model but she was super cute. Curious to see if she will make it in the ads!

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Evangeline week fourteen | Santa Monica baby photographer

Evangeline has a tooth! I thought last week she might be teething. She keeps trying to bite me and chew on everything. My friend even bought her a teething ring because we were so sure. Last night I rubbed my finger on her gum and whoa! Holy sharp little tooth! I can’t believe she has a tooth already. How did this happen! She can now hold up her head on her own so she gets to play in her bouncer toys.

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