Evangeline week fourteen | Santa Monica baby photographer

Evangeline has a tooth! I thought last week she might be teething. She keeps trying to bite me and chew on everything. My friend even bought her a teething ring because we were so sure. Last night I rubbed my finger on her gum and whoa! Holy sharp little tooth! I can’t believe she has a tooth already. How did this happen! She can now hold up her head on her own so she gets to play in her bouncer toys.

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Evangeline week eleven | Santa Monica baby photographer

Week eleven was a sad week. We said goodbye to our dear old friend Butch. Butch was our match maker, my husband’s soulmate, and the most loyal, human like dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am so lucky to have been his mama. We all miss him dearly and I can’t wait to show Evie these photos one day and tell her he is the reason her mama & papa are together. Now she has two doggy angels watching over her.

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Evangeline week eight | Santa Monica baby photographer

Evangeline had her first Halloween! Her and her boston terrier sister Clementine were unicorns. For months now I have had a vision in my head about how cute they would be together in their photo. Who knew my baby would flip out in the unicorn costume? Not me! I thought she would be happy and smile for her photo. Ha. Ha. I started the unicorn challenge at 9:30am. I was finally able to get a decent photo at 4:30pm. It literally took me all day to get this photo. My entire day was consumed with the unicorn photo. Poor Clementine […]

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