Oh baby Avery, you are SO cute. Love his expressions and soulful eyes. I love this location and was so happy his mama and daddy chose it for their family session.
H family | Orange County family photographer
One of my favorite families! I love watching Emma grow!
August with Evangeline & Goldie | Long Beach family photographer
In August we got a truck named Rosie, Evangeline started her second year of preschool, and she turned three!
A family | Los Angeles family photographer
I absolutely love these photos. Baby girl Tessa was so cute. I love that they brought a teepee for the shoot as well.
Bella | Los Angeles portrait photographer
Beautiful Bella braved the winds, and we did her senior portraits down by the water in Venice. It was so windy, you could see the sand rippling across the beach. She was amazing considering the circumstances.
Cassidy | Los Angeles senior portrait photographer
Gorgeous Cassidy is from Kansas, but sure looks like a Socal girl! She totally reminds me of a Billabong or Roxy model.
Dominick | Long Beach newborn photographer
Dominick needs to hang out with my Goldie girl, because both are such big babes! He is SO cute and chunky. I love all his darling expressions and that gummy smile he gave me.
July with Evangeline & Goldie | Long Beach family photographer
Goldie had her first 4th of July and I turned 34. Grandma came to visit, and yes, Evangeline still loves her sister!
M family | Orange County family photographer
I had so much fun with the M family. Their beautiful daughter was so fun and playful with her parents. Making my job very easy!