I didn’t take many big camera photos in September, but something super exciting did happen! We adopted Neville Fatbottom from the SPCA in Long Beach. He fits into our family perfectly. Even Clementine loves him and is sun bathing with him right this second.
August | Long Beach baby photographer
August was a big month! Evangeline turned two at the very end of it. She also started her first day of preshcool EVER on her actual birthday. Mama cried! Can’t believe baby girl is in school already. We went to Northern California to see my family and have her birthday […]
July | Long Beach baby photographer
July was fun! We got that awesome cactus tapestry from Urban Outfitters which makes such a rad background for photos. We celebrated 4th of July at the bay in Belmont Shore. Our dear friends from Australia came to stay with us and Evangeline was, and still is, OBSESSED with their […]
June | Long Beach baby photographer
June we spent lots of time at the bay, rings, our friends came to visit from Texas, and Evangeline’s Dedushka came to visit as well.
May | Long Beach baby photographer
So many photos for May! I am already a bit nervous about making her next baby book. I spent an embarrassing amount of money on her year one book. I almost think I might have more photos for year two. Scared. May is huge. May is the month Evangeline became […]
April | Long Beach baby photographer
April started off with finding more wildflowers and trying to take photos of the girls. If you missed their Easter shoot, you should check it out! We played a lot outside. Mostly naked. Haha. I have decided all her meals should be eaten naked outside. Way easier clean up! Evangeline […]
Violet & Evangeline | Long Beach baby photographer
The darling bunny bags were the inspiration for this shoot. Target $3 bin! Photographing these two besties was hard and hilarious. 1.5 year olds are pretty challenging and funny at the same time. During this shoot I learned Evie knew how to smile on command, which I had no idea […]
March | Long Beach baby photographer
In March we wore matching shirts, became obsessed with her mermaid stool, practiced raising her eyebrows, showed off her maternal side by swaddling her mermaid, rocked pigtails, went to the beach with her bestie, and met her baby cousin Isla. We also went and checked out the super bloom! My […]
February | Long Beach baby photographer
So many photos for February! Evangeline’s dedushka was with us most of February and she loves having him here. He left a few days ago and she keeps asking for Ded. She helped her papa build our beautiful deck, we went to the aquarium each week, played in the pool, […]
January | Long Beach baby photographer
January starts off with Ded Moroz coming! Ded Moroz translates to Father Frost and he is Evangeline’s Russian Santa. She was super excited about her boston terrier purse and gorgeous handmade dolls. In January she rocked the mullet for a long time before I couldn’t take anymore and our friend […]